Sunday, August 29, 2010

Geometry Shapes

In drawing class, we learned that actually every object is form by several geometric shapes such as cube, cylinder, cone, pyramid, sphere and so on. Because of these shapes so that it made the object 3D and not 2D (if using only square, circle, rectangle, triangle). We need to see through the object to understand the inner structure and outlook as well. So that we could rotate it into different angle by drawing out. Once u understand the structure of it, you can redraw the same thing with different angle or surface. First, we learn to use a shape to develop a character. Then we need to analyze the structure of a real object like lorry, motor, machine etc. to draw it out in solid (3D) way. Besides, we have to know the knowledge of perspective so that it could make a layout more interesting and 3D. We've learnt 1 point, 2 point, 3 point of perspective. Before we start to draw a layout, we have to practice on human drawing. For instances, the American style (X-men), manga style (comic). In between, teacher told us that actually comic is a hero for Japanese. It stand for a high place in Japan because it is a spirit support for them after the world waR 2. Comic is read by all classes or age levels of person.

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